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The purpose of this website:

1. Share simple, clear points to prove God exists and Christianity is true.

  • Click on "Points" to see the topics.

2. Suggest resources to help you with your spiritual journey

  • Check out two of my books that use an exciting fictional story to share compelling reasons to believe God exists and Christianity is true.

  • Click on "Resources" to see other recommendations.

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God is real and He loves you...enough to die for you.

Seven steps to heaven:

  1. IMPORTANCE:  With eternity at stake, there is nothing more important than the truth about God.

  2. TRUTH:  There is only one truth about God; and, our preference is irrelevant.

  3. GOD:  The evidence that God exists is compelling.

  4. JESUS:  There is strong evidence that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and was resurrected from the dead.

  5. BIBLE:  There is strong evidence that the Bible is historically reliable and divinely inspired.

  6. RESPONSES:  There are good answers to common objections raised against Christianity.

  7. DECISION:  The purpose of life is to make a decision about the eternal destination of your soul – choose your own way (hell) or accept God's salvation (heaven).

Links to videos (Christian Apologetic classes):

Copyright 2022, Jason M. Jolin

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