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What is a 'woman'?


Oddly enough, this question recently made national news. In March 2022, Ketanji Brown Jackson was questioned by the Senate as a nominee for the Supreme Court. Senator Marsha Blackburn asked her, “Can you provide a definition of the word ‘woman’? Ms. Jackson’s response was, “No, I can’t…I’m not a biologist.”

Given the cultural focus on sex/gender, Christians should understand God’s perspective, and any discussion must be done with gentleness and respect.

What is wrong with Ketanji Brown Jackson’s response?

  • SCIENCE: Ironically, when Ms. Jackson said, “I’m not a biologist” she referred to science, which actually does provide a clear definition. Based on “biology” men and women have different sex chromosomes. A woman has two “X” chromosomes, unlike a man who has one “X” and one “Y” chromosome.[1]

  • THE JOB: The fact that Ms. Jackson could not (or would not) answer this question is concerning because it might be necessary to do her job. There could be cases brought to the Supreme Court that depend on sex / gender. Based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, “sex” is one of the protected classes where employers are prohibited from discrimination.[2] A Supreme Court Judge needs to be able to provide a definition of a ‘woman’.

  • SCARED: This is purely speculation, but I believe Ms. Jackson was afraid to answer the question. With a Democrat Senate, she is highly likely to be confirmed as a Supreme Court judge, so she was likely trying not to say anything that could be deemed controversial. But I think this speaks volumes about where we are as a society – we are more concerned about cancel culture than sharing an opinion or discussing truth.

What is the Christian perspective regarding men and women?

1. According to the Bible, there are two sexes/genders – male and female.

  • As recorded in the Biblical creation account, God made mankind with two sexes/genders – male and female.

    • “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27 NIV, bold added)

  • Hundreds of years later, Jesus affirmed the Biblical creation account:

    • “Haven’t you read,”he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ (Matthew 19:4 NIV, bold added)

  • NOTE: There is no distinction between sex and gender in the Bible.

2. One obvious distinction between men and women is that women are born with physical organs designed for pregnancy and birth.

  • God made women with physical organs necessary for getting pregnant and giving birth. We know this because when God punished Adam and Eve for original sin, Eve’s distinct punishment was pain during childbirth. This punishment does not apply to males because they were not designed to give birth.

    • To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16 NIV, bold added)

  • NOTE: This does not mean that women who cannot get pregnant are no longer women; just as a man who cannot get a woman pregnant is still a man. Rather, this is about the original physical design for men and women.

3. Although men and women are created with different functions, they are both made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and they are of equal value.

  • In the verse below, the Apostle Paul says there is no difference between male and female in the Kingdom of God.

    • So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-28 NIV, bold added)

4. God strongly opposes men and women changing their naturally born identities.

  • The Bible verse below pertains to wearing clothing, but it provides insight into God’s perspective regarding maintaining distinction between the two sexes/genders that God created.

    • “A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman’s garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 22:5, HCSB)

What are important considerations regarding this topic?

  • God’s perspective: It is critical to recognize that the Christian position above is not simply the opinion of any specific Christian; rather, it is God’s position (as cited by Biblical references). Christians are not choosing to be disrespectful or bigoted when they maintain this position, rather they are being obedient.

  • Misguided: What about the person who says, “I am a Christian, but I don’t believe this position?” I don’t know their heart or whether their faith is genuine. They may be genuinely confused or they may be deliberately choosing to select ideas they prefer rather than those consistent with the Bible. Either way, it is fair to say that their opinion does not align with the Bible.

  • Love: Christians are called to love people; but true love for people must be grounded in truth. It is not loving for Christians to simply affirm every opinion or philosophy when it disagrees with God’s perspective. In seeking to genuinely love and help people, it must be grounded in truth. But the approach must always be done with respect…see below.

  • Respect: Obviously not everyone agrees with the perspective above. Regardless of anyone’s opinion, ALL people should be respected. True tolerance means we are going to treat people we disagree with, with respect. But this also includes non-Christians respecting Christians, even though they disagree. That said, Christians must do their part to treat everyone with respect, especially those who disagree with us.

TAKING ACTION: Should Christians boycott Disney?

  • Disney has made national headlines regarding their push for progressive ideas, some of which coincide with this blog.

  • One example is that Disney recently decided that it will no longer say "ladies and gentlemen" or "boys and girls" for greetings at their parks; instead saying "Hello everyone' or 'Hello friends'.[3] While I understand wanting to respect everyone, it is a subtle move that differs from the Christian position.

  • Another example is Disney’s opposition to Florida’s recent legislation which prohibits teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity to children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. My personal opinion is that schools should teach academic topics, not sex education; especially NOT ages between K-3 grade.[4]

  • What I would say to Disney, is there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between welcoming all people of various views (which I support) versus pushing a certain ideology. Disney leadership may say they are promoting inclusion, but, in reality, they are picking a side and pushing some ideas which contradict the Bible.

  • I recognize there are other companies that support liberal agendas, but Disney has been particularly outspoken and strong in their opposition.

  • Every person and family will decide for themselves, but as for me and my family, we decided to close our Disney credit card and just canceled our Disney+ subscription.

Summary Point:

  • God, who is the Creator of humankind, determines the distinctions between man and woman.

[1] [2] [3]


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Apr 03, 2022

Well said. I doubt the Disney of today aligns well with Walt Disney’s vision. Family entertainment was a job that Disney excelled at and set a high standard for their competitors. Our family have cherished memories of our Disney adventures. My wife and I have scratched a return visit from our bucket list. It is a sad and unnecessary turn of events. Jay Gagnon


Copyright 2022, Jason M. Jolin

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