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Summary Point

What is the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus?


The resurrection of Jesus is the best explanation for key historical evidence - appearances to the disciples, conversions of an enemy (Paul) and skeptic (James), and the empty tomb.

  • There is no reasonable natural explanation that accounts for these three historical facts.


Below is a summary of evidence for the Resurrection, summarized with the acronym, DACE, which stands for Death, Appearances, Conversions and Empty Tomb. What is a dace? It is a A dace is a minnow, which are typically used as bait to catch fish. Jesus used fishing as an analogy for evangelizing.

  • As He was passing along by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, Simon's brother. They were casting a net into the sea, since they were fishermen. "Follow Me," Jesus told them, "and I will make you fish for people!" (Mark 1:16-17 CSB emphasis added)

The key points below are based on Dr. Gary Habermas’ 4+1 minimal facts approach for the Resurrection evidence, which includes “Jesus’ Death by Crucifixion…Disciples’ Beliefs that Jesus Appeared…Conversion of the Church Persecutor Paul…Conversion of the Skeptic James…Empty Tomb”1. The first four are well evidenced and granted by virtually all scholars (even critics); and the empty tomb is granted by the majority of scholars. Gary arrived at these conclusions based on researching over 1,400 scholarly sources on the topic of the Resurrection.2

  1. Death - Written testimony that Jesus died is supported by contemporary medicine.

  2. Appearances - Written testimony that Jesus appeared multiple times to a number of different people is supported by embarrassing details and the willingness of His followers to die for these claims.

  3. Conversions – Nonbelievers were converted to Christianity, including Paul, who was an ardent enemy of Christians, and James, who was Jesus’ half brother and initially thought His brother was out of His mind.

    • Paul, initially an enemy of Christianity, was converted – See evidence.

    • James, the skeptical half brother of Jesus, was converted – See evidence.

  4. Empty Tomb – Written testimony that Jesus’ tomb was empty is supported by the embarrassing details in the account and non-Christian documents.

Links to external resources on this topic:

Anchor 1


  • What is the primary reason people reject the resurrection? The skeptic would probably say, ‘It’s not possible because it claims to be a miracle. There must be a natural explanation.’ 

  • However, if God exists, which there seems to be compelling evidence, then miracles are possible and accepting the resurrection as a possibility is not a big leap. But we can go further than just admitting it is a possibility. Based on the historical evidence, the Resurrection is the most plausible explanation. No reasonable natural explanation fits with the historical facts below.

Anchor 2

Sources (complete reference information provided on SOURCE PAGE):

  1. Habermas & Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, p.75.

  2. Habermas & Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, p.45.

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