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What are some of the basic questions that each worldview attempts to answer?

Summary Point


A worldview provides the basis for the biggest questions of life, including where did the universe & man come from, what is the source of morality, what happens when we die, etc.

  1. Where did the universe come from?

    • Theism – God created the universe from nothing (creation ex nihilo) and it is exquisitely designed.1

    • Pantheism – The universe emanated from an impersonal god (e.g. like rays from a sun) (creation ex deo).1

    • Atheism – The universe has always existed or created itself from eternal matter and energy (creation ex materia).1

  2. Where did man come from?

    • Theism – God created man with the purpose of eternal fellowship and worship. Man has a body and soul.1

    • Pantheism – May have various beliefs, but some believe mankind evolved from matter and energy. Each person has a mortal body and immortal soul that will eventually lose their identity and merge with the impersonal god.1

    • Atheism – Mankind evolved from matter & energy and only has a body.1

  3. Where does morality come from?

    • Theism – Goodness is absolute and based on God’s character; Evil is that which is contrary to God’s standard.

    • Pantheism – Based on lower manifestations of God; however, distinction between good and evil may be unclear since everything that exists is one (yin & yang).

    • Atheism – Morality is grounded in mankind based on evolution within DNA and/or social rules agreed upon by society. 

  4. What happens when you die?

    • Theism – Judgment before God (Heaven or Hell).1

    • Pantheism – Reincarnation based on deeds; eventually merge with an impersonal god.2

    • Atheism – Extinction of self.1

Links to external resources on this topic:

Anchor 1


  • If a worldview seeks to make sense of the universe, what are some of the specific questions it attempts to answer?

  • According to Christian apologists Norman Geisler and Frank Turek, a worldview attempts to answer the most important questions in life: Where humankind come from?  What happens when we die? Etc.2

Anchor 2

Sources (complete reference information provided on SOURCE PAGE):

  1. Geisler, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, pp.786-787.

  2. Geisler & Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, p.20.

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